

Sep 11, 2023

Yoga for IBS: 21 Poses For Relief

And how yogic breathing can help, too

Jay Yepuri, MD, MS, is board-certified in gastroenterology. He is a partner with Digestive Health Associates of Texas and a medical director at Texas Health Harris Methodist HEB Hospital.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and gas may be reduced by practicing yoga.

Emerging research on yoga for IBS shows it can improve both physical and emotional symptoms of the chronic digestive disorder. In fact, studies show yoga may be more effective than medications used to treat IBS.

This article discusses the benefits of yoga for IBS. It explains the science behind yoga's positive impact on IBS symptoms. It also includes yoga poses and breathing techniques to improve digestion, ease pain, and improve your mood.

IBS is a functional gastrointestinal (GI) disorder. Symptoms range from mildly annoying to debilitating abdominal pain, bloating, gas, constipation, and/or diarrhea.

IBS also impacts mental health. Studies show people with IBS are three times more likely to have clinical anxiety or depression.

Enter yoga: an ancient Indian practice that combines breath control, simple meditation, and specific body poses or asanas. Used for centuries to relieve a wide range of ailments, modern science shows yoga benefits people with IBS in many ways.

Yoga has been shown to:

The following yoga poses can be used to address different IBS symptoms. Before trying these exercises, take note of your current symptoms and select poses accordingly. IBS symptoms can run from one extreme (constipation) to the other (diarrhea).

Avoid poses that treat the opposite of your current symptoms.

Yoga poses that involve side bends and twists massage the digestive organs, increasing blood flow and oxygen delivery. This helps promote peristalsis—wave-like movements that push the contents of the digestive tract forward.

Asanas to try if you are constipated include:

Yoga poses that involve bending at the waist or being upside-down can to to relieve diarrhea. These movements work by slowing bowel motility. This allows the intestines to absorb more fluid resulting in firmer stool.

Asanas to try that may ease diarrhea include:

Yoga poses that involve bringing your knees to your chest helps to relieve trapped gas. These postures squeeze the abdominal muscles and massage the intestines. This can cause stool to shift and release trapped gas.

Try these asanas to relieve gas pain:

Yoga poses that involve arches and back bends work to relieve bloating by stretching your abdomen and massaging internal organs.

Try these asanas to relieve bloating:

Yoga uses various breathing techniques long-believed to relieve pain, anxiety, and depression—common co-existing conditions for people with IBS. Research shows pranayama (yogic breathing) has physical and psychological health benefits.

Yogic breathing alters the body's autonomic response to pain, one study found. Researchers measured heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure levels in response to painful stimuli in people who practice yoga (yogis) with those who do not.

Yogis had slower heart rates, lower blood pressure, and more controlled breathing before, during, and after the painful stimuli. The study authors note that yogis used breathing, relaxation, and mindfulness techniques that helped moderate their response to pain.

Additional research found short-term yogic breathing exercises can relieve anxiety in people who were nervous about upcoming surgical procedures. Another study found yogic breath work can ease depressive symptoms in people with depression and bipolar depression.

Pranayama (breathing) involves three stages: puraka (inhalation), antara kumbhaka (retention or holding), and rechaka (exhalation). While there are many yogic breathing techniques, this basic exercise is a good place to start:

There are also specific yoga breathing exercises that may relieve pain, anxiety, and depression. Breathing exercises to try include:

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By Barbara Bolen, PhDBarbara Bolen, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist and health coach. She has written multiple books focused on living with irritable bowel syndrome.