

Sep 10, 2023

How Yoga Can Improve Your Corporate Culture?

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Yoga is a five-thousand-year-old practice innovated and nurtured in the Indian subcontinent. Since the advent of the 20th century, yogic science has been rapidly making its mark in the western world as well. It is now being adopted by people from across the globe, whether a homemaker or an office goer. Owing to its multiple benefits that uplift the mind and body both, it is also being adopted by multinational companies and brands as a tool for mental and physical wellness among employees. Top brands like Nike, and Google now have corporate yoga as part of their work culture with the aim to build a healthy and stable workforce while maintaining a stress-free ambiance at work.

It is not just the motivation to maintain a calm atmosphere at work, it is also the rising health concerns and postural concerns among the employees due to a sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits, sitting in incorrect postures, and resorting to unhealthy stress busters that inspire the companies to introduce corporate yoga as part of their routine so that the employees can be driven towards taking up healthier habits and in turn, inculcate a healthy body and mind. Give a gift of good health with a yoga program for the employees.

The benefits of yoga are not limited to the physical plane, but they also reach out to us on a mental level, thereby uplifting mental health. By introducing corporate yoga sessions into the culture, you can,

·It keeps them healthy and energetic to face ups and downs at work without getting too bogged down by the challenges.

·It creates healthy competitive spirits among employees.

Helps the employees be happier and motivated, thus, more productive.

It even helps build healthier

relationships between the teams.

It works as a great ice

breaker and a healthy activity to bond over.

It keeps symptoms of stress

caused at work away.

Ideal for a mental and

physical relaxation breaks.

There is no doubt that the way corporate yoga is making its way into the culture at work, it would become a crucial part of the employees’ day-to-day lifestyle at work.

Some Yoga Poses That You Can Try While at Work