

Aug 26, 2023

How To Prevent and Come Back From Injuries

We all get injured, but this will help you out.

Injuries are something we all experience when working out. Here is how to prevent and come back from injuries according to Dr Mike Israetel.

Dr Mike Israetel has a PhD in Sport Physiology and is the co-founder of Renaissance Periodization, a YouTube channel focused on hypertrophy. He is the person many bodybuilders turn to when it comes to anything related to building muscle.

As expected, Israetel's information on how to prevent and come back from injuries is focused on hypertrophy training. Check it out.

How to prevent and come back from injuries? These are two different sides of a conversation revolving around injury. To make things easier, let's divide it into before you injure yourself (how to prevent it), and after injury (how to come back).

The first of Israetel's advice on how to prevent and come back from injuries is simple: don't be an idiot.

Don't try to challenge yourself with double the weight or double the reps you usually do. "That's how you get hurt. So if you think it's dumb, don't do it."

Similarly with the previous argument, you should ramp up your volumes and loads slowly. This means:

Israetel also advises you to be vigilant. Pay attention to the signs your body is trying to tell you. If a specific exercise or technique is hurting your joints the more you do them, pause, rack, reevaluate and change if it continues.

Lastly in the injury prevention area, you should deload when you are supposed to.

What is next on Israetel how to prevent and come back from injuries? If you got injured, this is what you should be doing to come back healthy again according to the hypertrophy doctor.

This is, by no means, what you should do while injured. But rather, if you are doing some other form of training. For example, if you hurt your quads and, after a while, start training calves, hamstrings or glutes.

The golden rule is that your training should not bother the injury at all.

Regarding the injured muscle or area you have:

If you do this, you should be coming out of an injury without taxing your muscle or area injured and back into your normal training program.

And that is Mike Israetel's how to prevent and come back from injuries. If you want to see a deeper explanation or see the arguments above with Mike's acid humour, click on the video below.

You just discovered how to prevent and come back from injuries thanks to the valuable information from Dr Mike Israetel. BOXROX is a great website that can help you by bringing forward valid information for your health and fitness goals.

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don't be an idiot. ramp up your volumes and loads slowly be vigilant deload when you are supposed to training should not bother the injury at all Differences Between Training for Size and for Strength 5 Exercise Methods to Burn Belly Fat Quicker How Many Exercises Do You Need to Maximise Muscle Growth? Fully Explained Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss The Science Behind Light vs Heavy Weights for Muscle Growth 5 Methods To Force Muscle Growth Harvard Professor Debunks 2 Huge Myths about Exercise This Is How to Train For Size and Strength In Your Later Years How to Speed Up Weight Loss – 10 Things You Can Do Now to Accomplish That 5 Best Breakfast Meals to Burn Belly Fat Faster 14 More Exercise Myths Debunked by Physical Therapists 3 Habits You Need To Get Below 20% Body Fat Ultimate Guide On How to Get Shredded – Steps to Lower Your Body Fat Percentage Every Time