

Oct 28, 2023

Why runners need aquajogging

Running underwater can have major benefits for your training.

We all know the importance of cross-training for runners, but finding one that we truly enjoy can seem like an impossible task. From cycling to skipping, it's fair to say that few activities measure up to the sheer joy of lacing up those shoes and pounding the pavements.

Luckily, there's no need to sacrifice your love of cadence when you switch up your exercise regime. Aquajogging, a crossbreed of swimming and running, is quickly growing in popularity amongst runners and non-runners alike. With pools gradually reopening and athletes everywhere desperate to jazz up their training, what better time to try out this foolproof workout?

Just as the name suggests, aquajogging involves running in water.

You attach a buoyancy belt around your torso to stay afloat and then simulate the movement of running on-the-spot at the deep end of the swimming pool. The belt also helps to keep your head above the surface, so there's no need to worry about treading the water.

If you don't have a belt, you can jog laps in the shallow waters of the pool. You can also jog in the deep end, but this can be particularly challenging without a flotation device.

We all want to refine our form and emulate the glide of elite runners – and aquajogging may just be the secret to perfecting that effortless stride. The activity mimics the movements you make on land, allowing you to focus on sharpening your posture and form in a low-impact, safe environment.

It may look easy, but aquajogging promises a tough resistance workout. Water is much thicker than air, making you push those legs extra hard against the increased pressure. And while other tools of resistance are removable, like latex bands, there's no escaping the force of the water – meaning you’re less likely to make excuses!

Contrary to what we may like to believe, running is not the only cardiovascular activity out there. Aquajogging is a fantastic way to maintain or boost your heart health without risking injury to your muscles and joints. As it puts pressure on both the lower and upper body, it requires the heart to work even harder than it would on your regular runs.

Lastly, aquajogging is an injured runner's new best friend. It scratches that itch to run without causing further damage and can even accelerate recovery time. In particular, it strengthens the hip flexors, which are notoriously weak in many runners and are often the cause of a whole host of pesky injuries.

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What is aquajogging ? What are the benefits of aquajogging for runners?