

Jan 10, 2024

Pedal Pushers Bike Program searching for more volunteers

MONTICELLO, Ill. (WAND) - The Pedal Pusher Bike Program is back and rolling through Monticello.

In 2018, residents at Maple Pointe Assisted Living traveled north to Bloomington to participate in a bike program. This program allowed for nursing home and assisted living residents to be strapped in a seat in front of a bike and pushed around.

Stacey Cribbs, activity director at Maple Pointe and liaison for Piatt Co. Nursing Home Foundation, said the residents they took to Bloomington responded to the program well.

The Piatt Co. Nursing Home Foundation invested $15,000 to purchase two bikes that are motor-assisted. With the help of volunteers, residents at Maple Pointe, Piatt Co. Nursing Home, seniors in the community, and surrounding nursing homes can participate in the Pedal Pusher Bike Program.

"The residents adore this program. They are so excited when the weather finally warms up," Cribbs said.

Right now 20 volunteers are a part of the Pedal Pushers, but the assisted living center said they could use more volunteers.

"Our bikers come from Bement, Mansfield, Monticello, and all over Piatt County," explained Cribbs.

One of those volunteers is Mike Feeney. This will be his third summer volunteering with the Pedal Pushers.

"It's an opportunity to give back and to receive," he said.

Before his wife's passing, Feeney would make an effort to push his wife around in her wheelchair outside. He made a promise that once he retired he would be a part of the program.

"Spending time with fun people, hearing great stories. It's fun. It's rewarding."

The Pedal Pushers usually take 45-minute bike rides through town. Some of the rides go over the Sangamon River on the new bike and walking path. Often, as bikers get more comfortable with the rides, they will drive residents past their old homes or to places they want to see.

The Piatt Co. Nursing Home Foundation also created a sweet treats fund. Throughout the summer they will pedal to Dairy Queen in town to great a sweet treat before pedaling back to the center. People can make donations through this link to the sweet treat fund.

To become a Pedal Pusher volunteer, applicants need to be 18 years or older. There will be an information session on June 8 at 1 p.m. at Maple Pointe Assisted Living, 1000 N. Union St., Monticello.

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