

Sep 07, 2023

Lifting Weights to Failure: Benefits and Risks

Lifting weights to failure is a strength training technique and, unlike the name implies, has nothing to do with failing at anything.

While this strength training method may help some people build muscle quicker, it's not cut out for everyone.

Since lifting in this way involves doing a continuous amount of reps until you're physically incapable of completing another with sound form, it's not exactly beginner-friendly.

"Training to failure is technically tough," says certified strength specialist and online performance coach, Seamus Sullivan.

For added insight, I spoke to Sullivan and another certified strength coach about the benefits of lifting to failure, who should use the technique, and how it can help experienced lifters achieve their strength goals.

Whether it's safe or not depends on how much experience you have lifting weights.

"The general population does not need to be training to failure," Sullivan says.

He adds that it should be reserved for advanced lifters who've perfected their movement patterns and who are in tune with their body and its various signs of fatigue.

An example of lifting to failure would be to first complete three sets of eight reps of barbell curls followed by one set at the same weight for maximum reps until you physically can't do anymore.

While researchers have found that it can help build strength, even advanced lifters shouldn't do all exercises to failure. They should focus only on isolation exercises, says Sullivan.

Isolation exercises are those that involve the use of just one joint and one main muscle (i.e your elbow, knee, shoulder, or ankle).

For example, leg curls involve moving at the knee to target the quad while bicep curls involve moving at the elbow to work the bicep. Performing isolation exercises to failure is much safer and easier than compound exercises, says Sullivan

Compound exercises involve multiple joints and major muscle groups simultaneously working together. Examples include the clean and jerk, and squat.

"When doing bicep curls, for example, you just let go of the dumbbells and move away from them.

Training compound movements to failure can be dangerous because compound movements are harder to bail out of, even for advanced lifters" Sullivan says. "If someone is barbell squatting, they could injure themselves if they don't know how to bail out from under the barbell and move out of the way."

When done safely and correctly, training to failure is an efficient way to build muscle mass and strength.

Sullivan says that to get stronger, you need to really challenge your muscle fibers. Doing so produces microtears into those muscle fibers that once repaired, become stronger and bigger in size than they were previously.

By forcing your muscles to work until they can't, training to failure leads to greater muscle fiber breakdown than not training to failure, says Sullivan.

A review further proves this point, finding enough evidence to suggest that in highly trained individuals, lifting to failure led to greater strength gains compared to without failure.

However, the study also concludes that training to failure is not more effective at improving strength or muscle mass in untrained individuals, which supports Sullivan's recommendation that beginner lifters avoid it.

It's also worth noting that lifting to failure is a certain type of weight training. As such, it offers the health benefits associated with weight training.

"Lifting weights assists in building muscle mass, which helps protect against sports injuries, helps promote bone health, and helps you maintain proper posture," says certified strength specialist and coauthor of "Weight Training Without Injury," Rachel Straub, who also has a doctorate in biokinesiology.

Lifting to failure, " puts you at an increased risk for injury," Straub says.

For example, if you end up dropping a weight, you could break your toe or if your form isn't perfect you could tear ligaments or muscles, Sullivan says.

It may also increase your risk of overtraining syndrome, says Straub. "Training to failure results in greater muscle damage and fatigue, which requires a longer time to recover between exercise sessions."

If you're an experienced lifter, training to failure can be an effective way for you to put on even more strength or size — so long as you're confident you can maintain proper form.

It's also important that anyone who lifts to failure also prioritizes muscle repair and recovery once the workout is over.

However, if you're new to strength training, your health and fitness goals would be better served by simply hitting the weight room consistently and only using weights and rep ranges you can manage with perfect form. If you're unsure of your form consult a personal trainer.