

Jan 03, 2024

Get stretched out with this '80s leg workout video featuring two very hot guys in very short shorts

Lift, lift, lift those legs.

Stretch that thigh.

Double time.

Now that's what we call a workout!

We recently came across a leg workout video that puts all previously discovered homoerotic exercise films from the 20th century to shame.

The 1980s classic features two perfectly toned, perfectly tanned men laying on their sides, and kicking their legs straight into the air for more than three minutes straight.

A seductive female narrator whispers instructions the entire time.

"You’re lifting my spirits guys," she coos at one point.

That's certainly one way to put it!

According to YouTube commenters, this sultry classic is an old Chippendale workout tape, which makes perfect sense. The sexual undertones are apparent from the start.

Or more accurately, sexual overtones.

Both of these Greek Gods are wearing blue booty shirts with knee-high white socks–complete with red stripes. They look like they’re dressed for a Fire Island underwear party. Not that we’re complaining.

At the start of the routine, both studs lift their legs straight into the air, showing off their flexibility. Then they begin moving their thighs in circles, using their arms for more force.

Two, three, four, five, sex, seven, eight.

These dudes can thrust!

"It helps when you use your arms," the narrator whispers. "And helps me from staring at your legs."

But pretty soon, we start staring at something else. It's time to kick forward!

The Chippendales, who were so brilliantly parodied on "Saturday Night Live," were the first major all-male stripping dance troupe in the U.S. Steve Banerjee, whose life and empire eventually crumbled for sordid reasons, purchased a struggling West Hollywood bar in the mid-70s and renamed it "Chippendales." Soon, the group became an international sensation.

The Chippendales, all of whom looked much more like Patrick Swayze than Chris Farley, performed around the world. But in this exercise video, they’re performing for us…and our suggestive female guide.

"Use that arm and stretch that leg. Keep breathing," she instructs.

The boys are smiling. Yes, it's been a long and grueling session. But those are often the most rewarding.

"Good guys. You’re doing good," the woman says.

They are good boys, aren't they?

Despite their incredible stamina, the guys appear worn out midway through the roughly three-minute video. Luckily, our all-knowing workout queen gives some advice.

"Keep breathing."

Just take it nice and slow.

After working their inner- and outer-thighs–and showcasing their glutes–the boys head towards their climax. In perfect unison, they slowly lift their legs well above their ears. These guys make for a great team!

To keep the momentum going, they keep swinging their arms.

Nice and slow; nice and slow.

Finally, it's time to relax. The boys are instructed lay on their stomachs for a "stretch airplane."

"Great moves guys," congratulates our favorite personal trainer. "You can fly with us anytime."

Now the question is, how do we book tickets?

Watch the full video below…

Watch the full video below…