

Nov 01, 2023

Deadbugs: How to do them, benefits & my review

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Now I finally know what an engaged core *really* feels like

I know how important it is to have a strong core – it's practically gospel here at WH. Stronger runs, more powerful lifts, decreased risk of injury... you know the drill.

But despite being a regular exerciser, my core is – as personal trainer Sam McGowan would put it – 'soggy'. Well, she was talking about cores in general, but I definitely identify as part of the soggy core crew.

'It's so crucial that your core is strong enough to support your body,' Sam says. 'If it's soggy or weak, you're kind of throwing yourself all over the place.'

I mean, I knew it could do with some TLC, but there always seem to be other workouts that take my fancy ahead of a core session (and honestly, who really likes planking, anyway?)

It wasn't until my last WH experiment – committing to doing squats every day for 2 weeks – that I really appreciated how much core control was affecting other exercises I did. About midway through, I met with TenClinical trainer and biokineticist Natacha Quintal, who videoed me performing squats from different angles to check for any physical imbalances and weaknesses in my body.

One of the main problems – surprise, surprise – was my core. Thanks to the weakness in this area, I was arching my back as I dropped into the squat. 'This can cause an increased amount of strain through your lower back if you decide to add resistance or weight to your squats and could lead to injury,' Natacha explained.

I'd always experienced some back pain after doing any serious strength work, but always dismissed it as a side-effect of my mild scoliosis (it certainly is a contributing factor) – but having a stronger core could go a long way to preventing much of that next-day ache.

To help me get to grips with core control (without straining my poor wonky back) Sam prescribed deadbugs – and a few days in, I was already noticing a difference. Which got me thinking... what if I committed to doing a 2-week deadbug challenge, too?

But before we get into that...

Thankfully, there are zero insects involved in this exercise. A deadbug (as you may have guessed) is an abdominal exercise that involves moving your opposite arm and leg in tandem while lying on your back.

The move works your:

Here's guidance from sports scientist, strength and conditioning specialist and WH Fit Squad member Luke Worthington, who regularly programmes this move in for his clients.

a) Without any part of your spine losing contact with the floor, reach your left arm up above your head and extend your right leg.

b) Push your heel away, and pull your toes back towards you as you extend, imagine you are standing on that leg.

c) Fully exhale as you reach the longest part of the movement.

d) Without allowing your heel to touch the floor, slowly return to the setup position.

Apart from the fact that they have an excellent name, obviously – it's because the dead bug targets more than just your superficial abdominal muscles.

Building core strength means exercises that recruit your deep core, or transverse abdominis, rather than your rectus abdominis (your 'six-pack' muscle). Which is why moves like crunches and sit-ups (yawn) don't quite cut it.

The slow and steady nature of the move also makes it easier to focus on form, and not rely on momentum to help you power through.

'Dead bugs are definitely one of the more effective and safer core moves,' Sam says. 'There are so many ab exercises – like Russian twists and ab bikes – that are generally performed quite fast, which means they're often not done well, which can cause lower back pain,' she adds – I feel seen. 'The dead bug actually protects the lower back because they're done lying down.'

Since they were the move I wanted to focus on, I stuck in 3 sets of 8-10 deadbugs after I warmed-up, but before the rest of my work-out. Fatigue could mean poor form, and I wanted to really nail these. Here's what I learnt, after 14 days of deadbugging.

Don't be fooled by the fact that you'll be lying down for this exercise. Ever tried patting your head while rubbing your stomach? Lowering the opposite arm and leg to the floor at the same time is a lot like that.

Once you've rewired your brain to get that right, you have to think about keeping your back flat on the floor as you move – something I struggled with initially. Luckily, deadbugs are an easy move to regress, so I stuck to the basics for the first few days. First, I stuck to moving legs only, keeping my knees bent throughout and tapping my toes to the floor, rather than straightening my legs.

Once I had that right, I graduated to straightening my legs, still keeping my arms still. But about day 6, I'd levelled up to a full bug.

OK, we touched on this above, but I can't stress enough how much this move reduced back pain while exercising.

My neglected core meant that whenever I did moves considered to be the gold standard of core training – like planks – my lower back would inevitably end up bearing the brunt of the load. It was such a catch 22 situation – how could I improve my core strength to help beat lower back pain, when so many core exercises put strain on my lower back?

Deadbugs, it seems, are the answer. Thanks to the way the move is performed (if you're doing them right), they don't hurt at all. Plus, that improved core control started spilling over into my other workouts – more on that below).

It's not news that a strong core can help improve your runs – in which case any core exercises performed regularly might help you hit that PB you've been chasing.

The deadbug though, has a bit of an edge. Think about the movement of the exercise – simultaneously moving opposite arm and leg in tandem. Remind you of anything?

'You're keeping the core engaged as you move your limbs, and being strong in that position means when we're running we can then hold ourselves upright, we can stabilise our torso so that we are protecting the spine and lower back,' Sam explains.

10 days into my new deadbug regime, I set out to test this on a run. Now, I'm not much of a runner – I only go about 2-3 times a month, and a 5k always feels like a push – which is perhaps why I noticed the difference after such a short time.

It was a small difference, of course – I was slightly less fatigued when I hit 'stop' on Strava than I had been on my previous run, and my knees and lower back ached less than they usually did. But not bad for a few days of consisted core-work, no?

'Brace/engage/contract your core' is something I've heard so often from fitness instructors, and it always has me dutifully sucking in my stomach.

But bracing your core is about so much more than 'drawing your belly button to your spine' (another PT chestnut).

The best way I've ever heard it described is to brace yourself as if you're about to be blown away by a giant gust of wind, or like you're about to be punched in the stomach. Still, that's a difficult thing to visualise while you're sweating through a workout.

But a week into my dead bug regime, something clicked for me. Focusing on slow, steady movement and correct form (keeping contact between your lower back and the floor is key) required me to do more than just engage my superficial abdominal muscles. The tension in my torso went so much deeper and often had me trembling with effort when I paused at the bottom of the move.

Knowing no move is a magic bullet, I asked Sam whether she thought I was just experiencing some sort of placebo effect.

'It's definitely not – if you do deadbugs correctly, it can absolutely help you understand what engaging your core feels like. The more you practise that and the better you become at it, it will just become more natural to you.'

And it has – I've tried to transfer that feeling to every exercise I do now. Even though it's trickier when you have to worry about more than just slowly moving your arms and legs, but I really feel like I'm getting somewhere.

And the best part? No more lower back pain after leg day. Win.

Good news – you don't need to commit to an every-single-day approach to get the benefits of doing deadbugs.

While I didn't experience any negative effects from doing my 3 sets a day, Sam said it might have been better to do them just a few times a week.

'I'd personally advise people to spread them out, especially if they're new to the move. It might seem like something that's not as difficult as, say, a heavy squat but you're still potentially working muscles that you're not used to working and you want to them to be effective.' (i.e. not overwork the muscles).

Once my challenge was complete, I was sold – but committed to do them every other day instead. Everything in moderation, right?

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