

Dec 09, 2023

Alliance Athletics Offers Safe Space for Small Group Training to Empower and Inspire Strength and Overall Health

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Even in our modern era, there are still many people who feel intimidated and unwelcome in certain fitness spaces because of their look or identity. At Alliance Athletics, LGBTQ+ community members and allies can find a safe space to exercise where everyone can trust that they belong. This local progressive strength training gym proudly supports each individual on their health and fitness journey and is now offering small group training to help develop strength, accountability, and community. Book their No Sweat Intro to try out a free, 45-minute training session and see if Alliance Athletics is a good fit for your fitness.

Alliance Athletics celebrated one year in business on April 9, and is eagerly expanding their services to include small group training. As a strength-focused facility, their primary goal is to help people feel strong in their bodies and support people at every stage of their health journey. "We believe that strength shouldn't be complicated, and that it is something that is individual to yourself," shares owner Scott Drapeau. "We want you to live life on easy mode and be more functional in your own life."

Since strength and well-being look different for everyone, Alliance Athletics offers various ways to work on yourself within their space. Just like a standard gym, their fitness equipment can be utilized 24/7 as a member so you can manage your own workout routines on your schedule. Alliance Athletics also has a passionate and experienced coaching team that is ready to offer guidance both one-on-one and now in a small group setting. "If you ae looking to build community and accountability, this really helps you get toward your fitness goals," explains Scott. "You’ll have a coach you can rely on and get feedback from, as well as a plan to follow and execute on your own so you can grow as a gym goer."

Small group training is their newest offering and consists of four-person groups that work out once a week with a coach. At this time, Alliance Athletics has small group training at 6 a.m. and 6 p.m., but as they fill up, they are hoping to offer more spots. They are also running a special promotion of two additional trainings delivered through their app for anyone that joins small group training. This gives you plenty of options to get started on your goals and have the support you need to be successful along the way.

Most gyms don't really regulate who comes in to use their facility, which can unfortunately leave room for judgment and discrimination to seep into the space. Alliance Athletics takes their membership and community very seriously and strives to maintain a welcoming and inclusive environment through their members. They require an informal interview process with each prospective member to make sure that each person will be a good fit for their space and mission. "We have a very robust anti-bullying policy," says Scott. "As allies, we really want to empower people, especially our trans community since they are our most vulnerable at the moment."

Additionally, Alliance Athletics wants people of all shapes and sizes to feel welcome in their space and comfortable in their own skin. "We don't care if you have washboard abs or the world's biggest muscles," Scott shares. "We don't focus on weight loss or changing your body. We want you to succeed in whatever your fitness journey is." With this shared mindset, coaches at Alliance Athletics don't have a single definition of strength and fitness and really strive to look deeper with every client to help them define this for themselves.

From there, coaches seek to educate and empower clients to learn exercises that support their goals, so you can eventually develop skills to work out successfully on your own. All too often, fitness programs and classes offer just enough to keep you dependent on them for continued progress. Alliance Athletics approaches this very differently by focusing on giving each client the tools they need to really thrive in the gym. "We really pride ourselves not just on teaching you and making you reliant on us," says Scott. "The point is to empower you to train on your own so you don't feel lost when you go into the gym." While the coaches love working with every client and seeing them grow, they want to instill the confidence and knowledge that helps them graduate beyond the coaching stage.

Alliance Athletics is eager to welcome newcomers and longtime fitness enthusiasts into the world of strength training. During the free, 45-minute No Sweat Intro, you will work one-on-one with a coach to learn three basic lifts and understand the culture of Alliance Athletics to make sure it is the right fit. Get started on your fitness goals by booking this session today!

Alliance Athletics514 Adams St SE, Olympia360.233.3355


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Alliance Athletics Offers Safe Space for Small Group Training to Empower and Inspire Strength and Overall Health Build Muscle and Confidence at Alliance Athletics Alliance Athletics Promotes Inclusion in Fitness Empower Yourself Through Small Group Training at Alliance Athletics Alliance Athletics