

Sep 19, 2023

Would You Give A Stool Sample Every Day For $180,000 A Year?


I ran across a story on Facebook yesterday that said, "Donate Poop and make $500" per donation; That's $180,000 a year." Yes. I read on.

It sounds like a farce, but it's a real thing. A company called, created by Michael Harrop in 2020, is a stool donor network that focuses on finding quality donors to create treatments who have had chronic diseases for years, have spent thousands of dollars on treatments that didn't work, and that are unable to go back to work because of their conditions.

To become a donor, you first need to complete a questionnaire and verify your fitness level and stool type. After this, an interview is conducted. If the company thinks you may have what they need, they will then ask to do some testing, and then they will pay you $500 per stool sample. For example, if you have a bowel movement every day and send your samples in daily, you could make $180,000 in a year. Pretty exciting right??

Watch the video below for the reason behind the research.


If you are over 30, a couch potato, have bad eating habits, and basically are just not a top athlete, this may not be the money maker you are looking for. They are looking for that 1% of people that have the healthiest stools so they can take it and save lives.

If you know of someone that might fit the criteria, tell them about the program. You could make money by referring people. If you are an athlete or someone that would consider doing this, and you are in great physical condition, (but $500 is just not enough), you can really ask for what you think your stool is worth, and you just might get your asking price.

The program is set up where you can make daily donations, or if that takes too much time, they also have large clinical trials that you can participate in. So what are you waiting for? Click HERE to learn more. Happy pooping.