

May 25, 2023

Matildas player Charli Grant talks wellness and beauty

WORDS Jasmine Pirovic PHOTOGRAPHY Instagram PUBLISHED Thu, 8 Jun 2023 - 5:33 pm

I don't know about you, but that header goal during the Matildas game against England back in April had me squealing in my seat. It marked the first time 21-year-old Charli Grant scored for the national team since coming onboard the Matildas in late 2021. With the FIFA Women's World Cup kicking off officially on July 20, RUSSH spoke to the young defender, discussing everything from her morning routine, her tips to aid recovery and why Sally Fitzgibbons is her ultimate beauty icon. Find our conversation with Charli Grant, below.

I’m a happy and positive person, always up for a good time.

I’m currently based in a small town called Kristianstad in Sweden.

I’m very fortunate to be playing football for a living, both at my club in Sweden, Vittsjo, and for the Matildas.

A typical day is usually started with a call back home to family or friends while making brekkie. If we don't have a gym session in the morning, I’m either spending time with my teammates, shopping or cleaning up my apartment. We train in the afternoons for about 90 minutes but have to arrive early for meetings regarding our game plan for the week ahead. After travelling 45 minutes back home from training, I cook dinner and end the day with a tv show or a book to wind down.

I always start the morning with some good music and a glass of water, it helps me feel fresh for the day. I’ve just recently started a new beauty routine that my teammate from Vittsjö has helped with. In the morning it starts with rinsing my face with cold water, applying a hydrating serum and moisturiser. Depending on the day ahead, I might apply a light BB cream, mascara, lip balm and some highlighter. The Too Faced Better Than Sex Waterproof mascara is my biggest beauty secret – I’m obsessed with it!

After having a hot shower and moisturising the body, I start my new beauty routine. I rinse my face with a facial cleanser and warm water then cold water. I then apply a hydrating serum and moisturiser. When I’m on away trips with the team, my roommate and I have started a tradition with a face mask the night before games as well. Throughout the beauty routine I listen to chill, acoustic music to help relax. I like to read a book, stretch or foam roll right before bed to wind down. Treating myself to a little bit of chocolate every now and then is my secret to my wellness routine.

I love my Rimmel London BB cream and Carmex lip balm. When putting on makeup I love to have a natural look and BB creams are perfect for that. Lip balms have become a necessity for me here in Sweden, as my lips get really dry from winter and all the travel we do for football.

I always have to have my perfume – right now I’m loving my Juliette Has A Gun perfume (my favourite is Musc Invisible). My other two essentials would be my trusty Carmex lip balm and Rituals moisturiser. These three products keep me feeling fresh and ready to go, especially on the long travels we do with the national team from Europe to Australia.

My favourite thing to do to feel centred is listen to music. Another ritual I’ve started is reading or stretching right before bed. It helps my mind relax, giving me energy to meet the physical demands I will face in the day ahead.

I was listening to a podcast from Alexis Fernandez and she suggested to have 15-30 minutes time to yourself without music or any distractions. I try to do this every day, whether it's journaling, walking or even just doing the dishes. It's really helped me address all the thoughts I’ve been having and help me focus on what I can control and put my energy into the right things. This is really important for football so I am feeling as energised as I can for training, but has helped me also feel happy in everyday life and appreciate the time I spend with my friends and family.

I love walking. Living in this small town you can get anywhere just by foot. It's my favourite time to slow down a bit and take in everything around me.

When my body needs to recover I always do a stretching and rolling session. Depending on where I am in the world and the weather, I love to go in the ocean for recovery. But otherwise I just fuel my body with good food, put my feet up and put a feel-good movie or tv show on. My go to is Grey's Anatomy.

I find putting tan on, makeup on and curling my hair always puts me in a better mood. When I feel good about myself I’m immediately more energised and happy.

I always have to fuel my body well to feel my best in my health and physical ability. Hydrating well is an absolute non-negotiable.

Sally Fitzgibbons has been a beauty/wellness icon to me for a long time. I love her positive and bubbly energy but also the way she approaches her lifestyle: if you treat your body well, your body will respond well in return.

Be confident and be you.

Listen to your body. It will tell you what you need to know.

Of course, the necessities like body wash and moisturiser are important but I can't go past my 1Hr Express Bondi Sands tan. When it's winter here in Europe, a little bit of tan can go a long way.

Images: @bythewhiteline

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