

Jan 13, 2024

How to Take Off on a Bike: Your Guide to a Smooth Start

Whether you’re riding with flat, cage, or clipless pedals, here's how to have a smooth start and get rolling with confidence.

Learning how to ride a bike on your own isn't easy. You’ll want to make sure you cover the basics, like how to balance, brake, mount, and dismount. If you’re self taught, or returning to the sport after a long break, then you might just need to brush up on these skills—particularly how to get on and take off on your bike.

This quick, easy guide can help you with a smooth execution, getting you one step closer to your riding goals.

These tips will help you learn how to take off on a bike with flat pedals, according to Jeff Crume, cycling coach who teaches beginners to learn to ride at Wenzel Coaching.

Keep in mind, balance is key for taking off on a bike, so if you don't know how to balance on a bike, Crume suggests practicing thrusting exercises—sitting on the bike and pushing it forward with both feet on the ground—before completing the steps above. Also, practice the process above a few times before you introduce additional pedal strokes so you can improve your balance and confidence, he adds.

"Working on your core balance is critically important to you being successful on a bike—the more core strength you have, the better rider you’re going to be," Crume says. That core strength will come in handy when trying to balance on the bike.

If you’re interested in learning to ride with clipless pedals, focus on mastering how to take off on flat pedals first, before upgrading. This way you know how to maintain your balance, and it's easier to manage being clipped in without falling over, Crume says.

When you’re ready to ride clipless, read on for detailed instructions.

Clipless pedals are known for improving your cycling efficiency and power as you not only push down, but also pull up on the pedals. If you decide to make the switch, then you might be lucky to unlock some serious performance upgrades. But before you take off for the races, you have to master the art of clipping in and taking off on the bike.

If you used clipless pedals for your indoor workouts, then you’re no stranger to the process—and it's a good idea to practice indoors before you head outside. However, clipping in for the first time outdoors is a bit more complicated and some riders fall over at first (no shame, it happens to the best of us!).

Follow these steps to take off while clipped in, so you can avoid failing over, according to Greg Waggoner, B.S. in exercise science, cycling coach at Team Wilpers Coaching, and former pro mountain bike rider.

Consider practicing the steps below, in a safe environment like a park, paved bike trail, or sidewalk, if you’re a road cyclist. If you’re a mountain biker, find a flat grassy area in the park or woods, Waggoner says. You can also use these instructions to get on a bike with cage pedals.

Another reason to master the take off, besides a smooth start: Your ability to clip in can make or break your finish time if you want to race one day. "If you miss out on that first downhill stroke, it can leave you seconds behind, but that could be as many as 10 to 15 places behind where you would want to be," Waggoner says. Even if you’re not racing but want to improve your ride times, a smooth take off can help you get there.

Also, don't forget to practice your dismount. If you’re just learning how to ride with clipless pedals, it is equally important to learn how to get off your bike safely. Here's how Waggoner suggests you approach the dismount:

Lastly, be aware of your surroundings and avoid leaning on moving objects, like cars, when coming to a stop. Check the ground for any objects, like rocks or debris, that might cause you to slip and fall, Waggoner says. When coming to a stop on a downhill, make sure you brake evenly, and avoid pushing down too hard on the front brakes because you can fall forward, he adds.

Monique LeBrun joined the editorial staff in October 2021 as the associate health and fitness editor. She has a master's degree in journalism and has previously worked for ABC news and Scholastic. She is an avid runner who loves spending time outside.

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