

Oct 07, 2023

Ariel Khadr

Fitness is an under appreciated division within the IFBB league. The amount of true talent, muscularity, training, and dedication that all go into it are truly remarkable. Amongst the fitness division are some amazing athletes, one of them being Ariel Khadr. Ariel is an IFBB Pro Fitness competitor, as well as a fitness model. She went from a young and aspiring gymnast to one of the most promising athletes on the Olympia stage, the highest stage in the fitness industry.

Below is a complete breakdown of Ariel Khadr's profile, stats, biography, training and diet regimens.

Full Name: Ariel Khadr (IFBB Pro Fitness Competitor)

Ariel Khadr was born as an only child, and she had parents that taught her the importance of discipline and hard work at an early age. Ariel started gymnastics at the age of 11, and her discipline came in handy with this venture.

Gymnastics was something that came naturally to her, and it even lead Ariel into the world of martial arts. This is where she earned her black belt in Taekwondo, which is the highest rank you can achieve. In addition to that, she was eventually able to earn a place on the gymnastics team for Rutgers University in New Jersey, where she attended on a scholarship.

Before she left to go to college, Ariel had decided to try a different route. This route was the sport of bodybuilding. She initially started competing in a Figure competition, but Ariel quickly realized that her skillset was better suited for Fitness competitions.

Ariel had great success in fitness, and in fact, Ariel Khadr went on to win the 2009 NPC Team Universe Fitness competition. She was only just 17 years old at the time, earning her IFBB Pro Card. This made her the youngest person to qualify for professional competition.

Although she had great success in the sport, Ariel actually took some time away from the stage. She took the time to pursue her first love with gymnastics. She utilized that scholarship to attend Rutgers University, trying to get the most out of her skillset.

Injuries began to pile up for Ariel, and and unfortunately she found herself unable to keep up with the high physical demands of competition. So at 19 years old, she had decided to end her ventures in gymnastics and fully focus her efforts on Fitness competitions.

After her time in gymnastics had run out, Ariel decided to return to the bodybuilding stage. She went on to make her pro Fitness debut at the 2015 Europa Phoenix Pro. After hardly missing a beat, she went on to place third at this competition, which is amazing for a pro debut.

She did not stop there, as she went on to compete the following year at the 2016 Toronto Pro. This opened the door for her to compete for the first time at the Olympia. At her first Olympia contest, Ariel landed in the seventh place position in the Fitness Division. Placing top 10 at your first Olympia is quite the accomplishment.

Ariel kept going, and would continue earning invitations to the Olympia. She returned in both 2017 and 2018. She came in seventh place in both of these years as well.

Despite placing 7th three years in a row, this did not stop her, and she decided to take a year off from competing to better sculpt her physique, which is a common thing to do amongst competitors. Ariel made a big comeback in 2020, coming in second at the Fitness International and winning the Tampa Pro. This was followed by a much improved fourth place at the Olympia.

When it comes to her training, you can only imagine that it is a very intense regimen. Ariel Khadr likes to utilize a blend of both traditional fitness training like weightlifting and cardio, with that of her gymnastic roots. This leads to her finding increased flexibility, conditioning, and strength, while sculpting a fantastic package for the stage.

Ariel trains roughly five days a week of gymnastics accompanied by 45-60 minute cardio sessions at the end of each 3-hour long training. She also weight trains three times weekly. Her workout split for weight training consists of legs, shoulders, and upper body workouts throughout those sessions.

When it comes to her favorite body part to train, Khadr loves to work the back. She utilizes supersets twice a week. One of those sessions uses lighter weights, while the other includes heavier weights.

Nutrition is something that Ariel Khadr takes with the upmost seriousness, as she says it is the most important part of your fitness journey. In fact, Ariel noted that the hardest thing about her fitness journey was cutting down on the cheat meals, as well as keeping herself consistent on the diet. However once she figured out just how to do that, the evidence of it working was clear, as her physique and abilities continued to improve.

Even during the offseason, Ariel keeps diet clean, avoiding too many cheat meals and rarely straying from what she eats. The foods that she tends to eat the most, are whole foods, and they do fluctuate based on what her needs are at the time. For example, if she is in contest prep, she will eat differently than the offseason.

Ariel Khadr's Food Options

Ariel Khadr's Supplement Stack

There are many words you can use to describe Ariel Khadr her rapid rise to success in Fitness, as she has accomplished a lot in the industry at such a young age.

Beginning her journey into fitness at a young age, she has grown into one of the best athletes in the world today in the Fitness division. It will be worth watching to see how the rest of her career unfolds

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Ariel Khadr. profile, stats, biography Olympia Fitness Arnold Classic Olympia Fitness Tampa Pro Fitness Arnold Classic Fitness International Olympia Fitness Arnold Classic Fitness International Olympia Fitness Miami Muscle Beach Pro Fitness Toronto Pro Fitness Arnold Classic Fitness Olympia Fitness Toronto Pro Supershow IFBB Phoenix Europa Games Fitness NPC Team Universe Fitness Nationals Class A NPC Teen Nationals Overall Fitness and Figure Champion NPC Atlantic States Overall Fitness Champion NPC Atlantic States Fitness Empire States Figure Level 8 New York State Gymnastics Champion Miss Jr. Fitness International Miss Jr. Fitness America Ariel Khadr's Food Options Ariel Khadr's Supplement Stack